SINtral Valley Derby Girls

roller derby track rules multiblock_svdg

Rules of the Game! (Yes... we have rules)

Okay ladies and gents, here is derby in a nutshell. Each team will send out onto the track five girls (the pack) to participate in a jam. The group of five consists of a PIVOT, three BLOCKERS, and a JAMMER. Helmet covers are used to identify who the pivot and jammer is on each team. Pivots wear a single-striped cover, jammers wear a star.

When the referee blows the whistle, the pivot and blockers will begin to skate. The pivots will always be in front of the pack, leading their girls around the track. As soon as the last blocker crosses the pivot line, the ref will blow twice for the jammers to take off. At this point, both jammers are racing each other to get ahead of the pack. Blockers will try to block the opponents jammer from breaking through while simultaneously trying to help their jammer reach the front. The first jammer to pass the pack becomes the LEAD JAMMER.

Once the jammers have successfully passed the pack, they must try to lap around as many times possible. Jammers earn one point each time they pass an opposing player.

Once more, the blockers will attempt to block the opposing jammers while helping their own. Both jammers will continue to try to gain points until the jam is over (each jam is 2 minutes). The advantage of the lead jammer is that they have the ability to end the jam at any time. This ensures that the opposing team does not score any more points!

SINtral Valley Derby Girls

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